Monday, September 9, 2013


I'm not your therapist. I'm not your intervention pal. I'm not the background drop - or god forbid, part of the actual scene - in the play that is attempting to make your sister not be a messy, insecure, unpsychotic 30 year old.

You're asking me to get into the business of a woman whom, at 30 years old, literally pounded her fists and feet in a tantrum. In a tantrum about how we were to be instructed to clean her house. Her house which she has never once lifted a finger in to clean herself. God, I'm so annoyed with the idea that I'm finding it difficult to even describe her lunacy.

So she's 30 years old, has a house but refuses to live in it  and just sits all day at Mommy and Daddy's house, doesn't pay bills, doesn't clean, has her parents call every bill company she deals with,  won't even get off the couch to fix her own food,  and threatens suicide whenever someone says "No" to her and you think the intervention is going to help? Lololol. No. No, no, no, hell no and why the hell do you expect me to get into the middle of this?

See, babe, that's the thing about being crazy. You gotta want help. You can't sit someone down and say "Hey, you're making us all miserable with your inane stupidity, do something about it! And, uh, oh yeah, it's cuz we love you."

(You may love her. I don't. I think she is the most annoying creature I have ever come across. )

I've already been through this twice with her - her stupid tantrums, her screaming at me, her stamping her feet, calling everyone around her names and you know what - fuck it, no. I wouldn't tolerate that behavior from my 7 year nephew. Your sister is THIRTY FREAKING YEARS OLD.

So yeah, here I am, arguing with you on Gchat because you have some cockey-mained idea that just because I've been in therapy she's gonna see the light and be all like "Hm. I am a psychotic bitch. I ought to do something about that." I seriously don't even know what you're trying to do.

Because my own life has taught me that the healthy thing to do with people like that isn't to cajole them. It's to get away from them. Far away. As far away as you can. Leave them in their misery, you are not responsible for their crazy. Not friends. Not family.

ESPECIALLY not family. Jesus, you know this about me. Why in the hell are you asking this of me?


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